Lions Mane, Beste lions mane, Cognitieve versterking, Verbeterde hersenactiviteit, stressbeheersing, verbeterde stemming, imuunverhoging
Lion's Mane

Lion's Mane

Regular price€26,99
Tax included.

LionsMane: Unleash Your Mental Power!

Imagine capturing the indomitable spirit and sharp focus of the king of the animal kingdom. With LionsMane, a powerful mushroom with a centuries-old reputation, this imagination becomes reality. Prepare for a revolution in your mental strength and clarity!

Why LionsMane? Here are the reasons that make the difference:

  1. Cognitive Strengthening: LionsMane is known for its ability to support brain function. Experience sharper focus, improved memory and an overall cognitive improvement.

  2. Natural Energy Boost: Say goodbye to energy dips! LionsMane provides a lasting energy boost without the fluctuations associated with caffeine. Keep your energy at a consistently high level.

  3. Stress Management: LionsMane's powerful adaptogenic properties help you manage stress and give you the calm clarity you need, even in demanding situations.

  4. Enhanced Mood: Feel like a king with LionsMane! It is known for promoting positive mood and emotional well-being.

  5. Immunity boost: LionsMane is not only good for the mind, but also for the body. Support your immune system and feel more powerful than ever before.

Order Now and Unleash the Power Within Yourself!

LionsMane - For a Sharp Mind and a Powerful Life!

(NL) 2 capsules one to three times a day with plenty of water
to take. Maximum 6 capsules per day. This product can if
necessary for long-term use. Dry, dark, closed and
store at room temperature (15-25 °C). (EN) Take 2 capsules one to three times a day with plenty of water. Maximum 6 capsules per day. This product can be used for a long time if necessary. Store in a dry, dark, closed place and at room
temperature (15-25 °C).

(NL) Wig fungus, organic mixed sawdust 78%, organic
wheat bran 20%, organic sugar cane 1% and natural
lime 1%. (EN) Wedge fungus, organic mixed sawdust 78%,
organic wheat bran 20%, organic sugar cane 1% and natural
lime 1%.

(NL) None. Suitable for vegetarians. (EN) None. Suitable for vegetarians.
(NL) 60 capsules per package. (EN) 60 capsules per pack.

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